Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 12, 2016

Cafe and Coffee Shop Interior and Exterior Design Ideas

Today I am going to write again on my favorite topic – cafe interiors since we have registered an enormous interest from you, our readers. TO begin with, I would like to say that I love coffee! Every morning I wake up early and the first thing to do is to have my strong piece of warm delight. Of course, when I go to work I have another one, and when I have my lunch somewhere in the late afternoon, I like to have another cup which is less strong.

One of the greatest moments during my day in the office is when I have a meeting with a client or we have just decided to go out with my colleagues and sit in a cafe for a drink. Well, my experience is also gained during my travels around the world. I must say that the best coffees in the world are located in Europe. Just an opinion. So, now let’s have a closer look what is typical for the interior of those kind of commercial places.

This is probably the most important thing. If your cafe is located far from the mainstream of people going and coming back from work, the chances that somebody will spot your place are not very good. Cafes are not like restaurants. You spend them no more than half an hour and it is not worth it traveling 20 miles during your lunch break to have a half-an-hour coffee at a distant area. For example, if you are preparing for a dinner in a restaurant, you can afford traveling even 50 miles to your favorite place because you spend the entire evening there. In my opinion, the best place to locate a cafe is in the downtown, somewhere between the busy streets. You need to ensure a large flow of walking people, while you need to be able to offer them comfort and privacy.

Coffee shop bar

Jav Free Creative cafe wall design

Industrial cafe pendants

Wooden coffee bar

There are not many options to ensure a great natural view if you are located in an urban region. However, there are some tricks that can do the job. Recently, I have been in a place in Europe where the owners of the place painted the wall of the building across the street so that the visitors could enjoy a fantastic artistic view. This was a clever move. Personally, I really enjoy when the cafe is situated in the neighborhood of old historic buildings. I told you I love Europe! There you will be most likely to spot such kind of views.

Industrial cafe interior

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